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Cheese Board Wreath

Cheese Board Wreath


Prep Time

15 Minutes

Cook Time

0 Minutes


To make your cheese wreath you will need:


Lower FODMAP cheeses such as (all Low FODMAP at 40g per serving*):

  • Cheddar
  • Comte
  • Stilton
  • Goat’s cheese
  • Brie
  • Camembert
  • Parmigiano Reggiano 


And low and lower FODMAP extras such as:

  • Prosciutto and other cured meats (be mindful of larger quantities of garlic and onion)
  • Gluten free crackers and oatcakes
  • Clementines
  • Cornichons
  • Olives
  • Walnuts (30g or 10 nut halves per serving*)
  • Pomegranate seeds (up to 45g per serving*)
  • Radicchio (up to 75g per serving*)


  1. Get the largest chopping board you have and use the rosemary sprigs to create a circle - this will be the outer edge of your ‘cheese wreath’.
  2. Cut your cheeses into a variety of wedges and slices, separate and wash any lettuce leaves, crack open a few walnuts and peel a few clementines. Cheese boards always look the most inviting when you feel like you can dive right in.
  3. Start from the outside and work your way to the centre, laying out your cheese board elements to make a vibrant and colourful ‘wreath’. Tuck the bay leaves around the edge of the wreath, filling any gaps. Pour a jar of Bay’s Kitchen’s Tomato and Red Pepper Chutney into a small bowl and place it in the middle to finish - and don’t forget the knives and plates!

* All Low FODMAP quantities have been taken from Monash University Low FODMAP app.

Recipe created by cook and author Emma Hatcher (

Copyright of Bay’s Kitchen. Please do not reprint without permission.