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Welcome to the blog where we hope you’ll find interesting articles, interviews and top tips on all things IBS and FODMAP.

5 Reasons Why You Should Keep a Food Diary

When you’re first diagnosed with IBS, it’s easy to feel confused about what may trigger your symptoms. This can quickly lead to the avoidance of certain foods and experiences that might have negative repercussions. From long-haul flights to simply going to work, IBS has an impact on all areas of your life and can quickly make your world start to feel very small.

6 Vibrant & Healthy Low FODMAP Salad Recipes

Let’s face it, salad has a pretty limp reputation. But here at Bay's Kitchen, we’re here to shake up the stereotype and convince you that salad doesn't have to be boring!

25+ Simple & Fragrant Low FODMAP Curry Recipes

If you’re looking for some midweek meal inspiration and fancy some bold flavours, then having a quick and easy curry recipe up your sleeve is always a good idea!

How To Restore Balance & Rejuvenate Your Gut Health

Guest blog written by Uniquely Created U Nutrition about how to improve your gut health after the festive season. 

Introducing Nutrition & Health Specialists: Uniquely Created U

Dr Nicholas Peat and Vanessa Peat are husband and wife and the co-founding directors of Uniquely Created Nutrition and Health (UCU). UCU was founded to educate, support, and drive sustained lifestyle change, transforming mindset and shaping a healthy lifetime behavioural change.

6 Relaxation Techniques To Ease Your IBS Symptoms

For National Relaxation Day (15th August) we want to share the best ways to relax when struggling with IBS. Why is this so important? Well, stress can be a massive IBS trigger, causing symptoms to worsen and sometimes causing a flare-up on its own.

4 Top Tips to Beat the January Blues

Hi lovely people! It’s Emma from @shecanteatwhat here. Now I don’t get that back to school buzz that some people do in January. It takes me a few weeks to get out of my post-Christmas daze, to wean-off the chocolate coins and brussel sprouts that I have eaten daily as a side at breakfast and to get back in the I’m-excited-for-work-zone. This blog includes my tips to feel your best in 2023.

Emma's Top Tips for Eating Low FODMAP on a Budget

Cook & Author Emma Hatcher from has written this fantastic blog to talk you through her top tips for eating Low FODMAP on a budget. During these hard financial times, these tips are incredibly useful and help to make eating Low FODMAP less tricky.

The Low FODMAP Diet for Beginners

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects more than 20% of the population. It’s a debilitating condition which can range from mild/infrequent symptoms to constant pain and suffering which takes over your life.

The Ultimate Low FODMAP Shopping List

Following the Low FODMAP Diet can be time consuming and difficult. To make following the diet easier, we wanted to share this Low FODMAP Shopping List that you are free to print, share and use however you wish.

Low FODMAP Help & Resources: Everything You Need To Know

Below are links to some resources Bay found super helpful and wish she’d known about from day one of following a Low FODMAP Diet. There are quite a few links here, but you’ll soon work out your favourite ones which you keep going back to.

3 Low FODMAP Foods For Hearty Autumn & Winter Meals

Cook & Author Emma Hatcher ( has written this blog about eating Low FODMAP during Autumn & Winter. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to embrace the colder months with gusto on the low FODMAP diet. For there is so much joy to be found in the arrival of autumn, when the leaves turn golden underfoot, the days get chillier and settling down in front of the telly on a Saturday night to watch the latest series is a must. Being told to follow the low FODMAP diet shouldn’t put a stop to any of that - so here are some of my favourite foods and ingredients to reach for while you settle into cosy mode.

6 Essentials Tips for Eating out on the Low FODMAP Diet

Eating out can be a daunting challenge for anyone following the Low FODMAP Diet, particularly when you are in the elimination phase. It can also feel rather embarrassing to be that person who has long frustrating conversations with the staff about what is in each dish... 

7 Easy Low FODMAP Food Swaps

Following the Low FODMAP Diet can be really challenging, especially when trying to add variety to your meals and to know exactly what you can and cannot have. We have written this blog post as a useful resource for days where food feels like a chore, to make following...

Introducing Take Control: A Podcast for People With IBS

We are so incredibly proud to be sponsoring Kirsten Jackson's, The IBS Dietitian, Podcast, series 3. 'Take Control - a podcast for people with IBS' is packed full of amazing information and insights, with multiple guest speakers including our Founder Bay, Dr Will...

The Complete Low FODMAP Diet Plan Book Review

A blog all about Priya Tew’s new book ‘The Complete Low FODMAP Diet Plan’, including an exclusive extract from the book and video from Priya.

Alice’s 7 Top Tips for Eating Well on a Low FODMAP Diet

Alice Nicholson from @lowfodmapinspiration has created this blog piece to take you through her top tips for eating well whilst following the Low FODMAP Diet.

What Are FODMAPS? A Helpful Guide for Beginners

Many of us have a sensitivity to certain foods and can experience a variety of symptoms as a consequence. This can be anything from abdominal cramps, bloating and back pain to diarrhoea and constipation to name but a few...

5 Low FODMAP Recipe Ideas for Christmas Leftovers

My favourite part about Christmas is Boxing Day. Controversial I know, but I LOVE leftovers and all things cheese boards. To give you a helping hand this year, we have made a list of our top 5 leftover ideas, ensuring that these are all Low FODMAP – taking the worry out of the Christmas season.

How To Easily Follow a Dairy-Free Diet With Bay's Kitchen

Dairy allergy is one of most common allergies, especially in children. As many as 2 in every 100 children under 4 years old are allergic to milk. Lactose intolerance is much more common than a dairy allergy, with about 10% of the population suffering.

Dairy & IBS... What’s The Link?

Dairy foods are often accused of triggering IBS symptoms, but as Dietitian Laura Tilt explains, for most people with IBS, there’s no need to avoid dairy completely. What Are Dairy Foods? Dairy foods are described as milk, and any foods made from milk, including...

Low FODMAP vs Gluten Free: What's the Difference?

Whilst it often may seem like it, the Low FODMAP Diet is in fact NOT a Gluten-Free Diet. However, the Low FODMAP Diet does remove many of the Gluten containing grains from your diet (oligosaccharides), which is why it may appear to be Gluten-Free.

5 Top Tips to Deal With an IBS Flare-Up After Christmas

Dealing with a surge of gut symptoms after Christmas? We asked dietitian Laura Tilt (@nutritilty) for some advice on managing the festive fallout.It’s quite normal to experience more gut symptoms than usual both during and after the festive season - the combination of...

6 Top Tips for a Low FODMAP Christmas

Following a low FODMAP diet over Christmas can be tricky, but a little forward thinking can help to minimise any symptom flares. We asked dietitian Laura Tilt (@nutritilty) for her top tips for the festive season ahead. Plan Ahead Just like when starting out on the...

How to Be Vegetarian or Vegan on the Low FODMAP Diet

Becoming Vegetarian can feel quite restrictive as meat and fish are such a big part of standard diets. Going the huge leap further to become Vegan is growing ever more popular, but it’s far more restrictive again, though lots of food & foodservice companies are now catering for vegans which do make it easier.

Fibre & IBS: A Complete Guide

If you’ve been following the gut health movement, you’ll probably have heard that a high fibre diet is beneficial for the gut and its microbes. But what if you’ve got IBS? Is a high fibre diet still a good idea, or can it make your symptoms worse? Here’s what you need...

The Link Between Stress & IBS: 5 Tips For Better Brain-Gut Health

Stress - it’s something we all experience, but if you have IBS, it can be particularly problematic for your gut. Let's talk about stress Described as the reaction we have to being put under pressure, stress is something we all experience from time to time. It can...

Low FODMAP Meal Plan: A One-Day Sample

One of the biggest challenges to getting started with a low FODMAP diet is knowing what to eat! Take some inspiration with our one-day sample Low FODMAP meal plan, designed by FODMAP trained dietitian Laura Tilt. Scroll down to see our meal plan infographic, which you...

5 Steps to Successful FODMAP Reintroduction

The second stage of the FODMAP diet (also known as FODMAP reintroduction) doesn’t get much airtime, but it’s arguably the most important part. Here’s how to get it right. Low FODMAP Isn’t Forever If you’ve found your IBS symptoms have improved whilst following a low...

What Is IBS & How Can You Treat It?

IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome - a digestive condition nearly 1 in 5 suffer with.  What is IBS? You may have heard of IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you may have it, or know others who have been diagnosed with the condition, but what actually is it? In the...

10 Steps To Success With Low FODMAP Elimination

The FODMAP diet is a 3-step elimination diet which helps to identify foods that trigger your IBS symptoms. It was developed in Monash University in Australia and is now one of the leading therapies for IBS. The diet is an effective route to managing IBS symptoms, but...

An Interview With The ‘Low FODMAPPER’ Haley Brown

Following a low FODMAP diet? Here's an interview With Haley Brown, The low FODMAP blogger and creator of a new Low FODMAP eBook.

5 Top Tips for Eating Healthily on a Low FODMAP Diet

Here’s our advice on how to eat healthily on a Low FODMAP Diet, ensuring you get enough nutrients during the elimination phase.

IBS & Low FODMAP Glossary

If you have been suffering with IBS, or looked at the Low FODMAP Diet, the chances are you have come across lots of medical and technical jargon that probably makes very little sense! So we have put together this IBS & Low FODMAP Glossary, to make sense of all...

10 Top Tips To Get Started With the Low FODMAP Diet

April is IBS Awareness Month, however due to the current situation  (Covid-19) it hasn’t been the usual hype of activity. However, at Bay’s Kitchen we still felt it was really important to raise awareness of the condition and do what we can to help – we might all be...

5 Steps for Managing IBS Before You Try the Low FODMAP Diet

The Low FODMAP Diet is a popular approach to managing IBS symptoms, but it’s not necessarily the first step that’s recommended. So what comes first in terms of symptom relief? It was over ten years ago that a team of researchers at Monash University discovered that a...

What Is A Low Fodmap Diet & Where Do I Start?

If you have IBS, chances are you’ve heard of the low FODMAP diet. But what is it, and how do you know if it’s right for you? Here's what you need to know

How to Follow a Low FODMAP & Vegetarian Diet

Following a Low FODMAP Diet can be tricky and quite restrictive, but combining it with another diet like being a vegetarian can make it more difficult.

Travelling on a Low FODMAP Diet: Insights From Sophie Bibbs

Travelling on the low FODMAP diet is one of the hardest things, but it can definitely be done. Sophie Bibbs, spoke to us about her experience.

An Interview With Digestive Health Coach Sophie Bibbs

We recently interviewed Health Coach Sophie Bibbs and here is what she had to say! My name is Sophie Bibbs, and I am a digestive health coach who helps women struggling with IBS and uncomfortable digestive problems to take control of their gut. I work virtually with...

Following a Low FODMAP Diet whilst maintaining a Vegan lifestyle…

If you are following a Low FODMAP Diet whilst maintaining a vegetarian lifestyle at the same time. Please contact us if you would like some recommendations.

myIBS: The New Support Programme for IBS Sufferers

Talkhealth has launched myIBS to help anyone experiencing IBS, Its a free 12-week programme written by leading medical experts.

5 Essential Resources for Those Suffering With IBS

This page looks at the Top 5 Recources for those suffering with IBS in the UK. We discuss the best apps and support groups.

IBS Survival Guide: How to Manage Your IBS at Christmas

Christmas is literally just around the corner and it's such an exciting time of they year, with Christmas Parties, families getting together, Father Christmas visiting the little people in our lives, mint matchmakers are back on sale... I could go on! However, for...

Which Supermarkets Are Best To Shop ‘Free From’?

One of the reasons I developed the Bay's Kitchen brand is because after being diagnosed with IBS and handed a scrap of paper saying 'FODMAP' I then spent hours upon hours for the next few months in supermarkets scanning the shelves and reading the back labels of...

An Interview with Kirsten Jackson From The Food Treatment Clinic

Welcome to our latest interview blog post... welcoming Kirsten Jackson! Kirsten is a Dietician, who also founded The Food Treatment Clinic. Kirsten has a passion for providing more support to help us overcome our tummy issues! Welcome Kirsten! Please can you introduce...

4 Wardrobe Essentials for IBS Sufferers

Sorry guys, this one is just for the girls! Living with IBS isn’t great. It can really take over your life and get you really thinking about things which never really crossed your mind before. Before I had IBS I would throw some clothes on and walk out the door, with...

Here's What To Do If You've Just Been Diagnosed With IBS

Just been diagnosed with IBS? Well don't panic. Read on to fins out where to start and what to do next. We have lots of tips to help you manage your IBS.
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